
Learn more about me

FullStack Developer

I have keen interest in software and technology.I develop website both backend and frontend using modern days technology.

  • Name: Abhishek Kushwaha
  • Birthday: 4th ,august 2000
  • Phone: +91 6001052570
  • City: Bengalore, India


JavaScript 85%
NodeJs 80%
HTML 95%
CSS 85%


He is undoubtedly a good web developer and designer.He has good knowledge on HTML,CSS,bootstrap,JavaScript.He helps me whenever I stuck in any web designing or any other web development problem.He is also a good human being as well.

Asif Iqbal

Web designer

Abhishek is a very talented and hardworking students.His website designing skills are pretty good and he writes good code

Mukesh Kushwaha

Frontend Engineer

Abhishek,one of my close friend is exceptionally very hardworking ,loyal ,helpful friend .His websites designing skills is appreciable.He is undoubtedly a good human being

Sanjib Saha

Aspiring Journalist and SEO analyst

He is good ,hardworking web developer and keeps records of minor bugs in web development.His backend APIs are 90% error free .Best of luck for future

Vandana Maurya

UI/UX designer

He has good creative skills and complete task before deadline.He handles project with good mindset and plans before working on it.And that is why his website are pretty good and beautiful




Check My Resume


Abhishek Kushwaha

A passionate fullstack web developer,who has good grip on modern day techonology for both frontend and backend development.

  • Bengalore,India
  • +91 6001052570
  • abhikushwaha0408@gmail.com


Master of Computer Application

2022 - Present

Lovely Professional University,Phagwara,Punjab,India

Bachelor of Science(honours),Computer Science

2019- 2022

Acharya Prafulla Chandra College,Kolkata,India

Passed with CGPA of 8.62


Making REST Full APIs

  • This API user could make 5 types of calls GET, PUT, PATCH, POST & DELETE. Express.Js Server and MongoDB database was used to make it in the backend.It served data of various organisms
  • Creating CRUD APIs using validation,authentication using packages such as JWT,express-validator,JOI,bcrypt and use of multer packages for file uploads etc
  • Creating realtime web Application using websockets

Web designer

  • Designing the website using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap and JavaScript.Putting animation,transition and maintaing the alignment of components so that the website looks perfect,niche and beautiful
  • Designed up to 7 projects or tasks at a given time while under pressure in a month

Licences and certifications

NodeJs-The complete Guide (MVC,NodeJs,Rest-APIs,GraphQL)

This is self-paced NodeJs complete course by one of the renowed teacher of Udemy.This course teaches about every single concepts of NodeJs.

SQL-MySQL for analytics and business intelligence-Udemy

This is self-paced MySQL complete course by one of the renowed teaching platform 365 careers .This course teaches about every single concepts of MySQL from beginning to advanced concepts like joins,conditional query etc.

Introduction to Crud Operations in MongoDB

This is self-paced MongoDB complete course by one of the renowed teaching platform Simplilearn .This course teaches about every single concepts of CRUD Operations that we do in MongoDB .This is a beginners course which I have completed and also have gained good knowledge of advanced concepts like aggregations,lookups etc


My Services

Website development

With the experience of webdesign ,I help others in developing and designing their own websites.

Problem solving

A life without problem is not a life .Life can feel like hell sometime.With my problems solving skills i have helped a number of peope solve their life problems.


Being a graduates in science, it is also my study to guide and mentor by juniors in achieving their career and do what exactly is right for them


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+91 6001052570